© Michael De Lausnay

Jong in Brussel

This website is only available in Dutch at the moment.


© Kenzo Van Cotthem


De vrijetijds- en ontmoetingsplek voor Brusselse kinderen en hun families
Jongerenfonds À Fonds
© Freestyle Lab

Jongerenfonds À Fonds

Tussen 12 en 26 jaar en iets van plan in Brussel? À Fonds ondersteunt jouw project of idee.


Heb je een mening over 'jong zijn in Brussel'? Grijp je kans en word lid van de VGC-jeugdraad.


Ontdek hoe je voordeliger kunt deelnemen aan vrijetijdsactiviteiten

Looking for activities for children and young people, during the school year and during the holidays? Or are you looking for a youth organization or youth movement in your neighborhood? On www.jonginbrussel.be you will find  an overview of Dutch leisure activities for youth in Brussels. You can search by theme (sports, games, music, culture ...), age or commune.

Would you like to organize something in Dutch for children and young people in Brussels? Super! Both organizations and individual children and young people can contact the youth service for financial and material support and good advice.

Do you have specific questions? Please feel free to contact us

VGC-service de la jeunesse
02 563 05 79

*Jonginbrussel.be is an initiative of the youth service of the Flemish Community commission (VGC). Our goal is to provide as much opportunities for development as possible for children and young people in Brussels, in a Dutch-speaking environment. The organisation and supervision of the activities is in Dutch. Therefore, we ask that the participants have a basic knowledge of Dutch.